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Matn al-Ajrumiyyah Overview

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Al Ajrumiyyah - What is it

Al ajrumiyyah is a treatise (booklet) from the 13th century about the principles of Arabic grammar. Today Arab societies use Al-Ajrumiyyah to understand the ends of words i.e., i'rab the heart of Arabic grammar. I'rab is the core of Arabic grammar because it expresses the the relationship between words; "each word is marked by a certain vowel or suffix for its case, i.e. its function in the sentence" ( 2009). So, i'rab helps to understand the Arabic noun (إسم) which is also adjectives, adverbs, pronouns. Thus, the Arabic noun has many uses - over 20.

Al ajrumiyyah is designed to identify over twenty uses of the Arabic noun (إسم). In chapter six to fourteen it mentions 7 different uses of إسم, for example,  the object possessed in a possessive phrase and the subject of a verb. The dammah, a vowel on the last letter indicates those uses. It is the default for those functions as well. And Fatah and kisrah are default signs for functions of إسم as well. Chapter fifteen to twenty-five shows fifteen uses of ism and chapter twenty-six identifies three uses of إسم respectively.

Lastly, ism is put in 3 categorizes. The smallest category has 3 uses. And that where the first lesson starts.

Ism and harf
Lesson One

Category three has three ways to use ism, but for this lesson only two are shown.

Signs of إسم

Learning Targets: identify ism after a preposition, make a phase in Arabic

The gift is from Muhammad الهدية من محمد

1. a preposition (bold words above) is a sign of ism

  • Memorize signs of ism
Prepositions Arabic & English
من  from
على    on
إلى      to
عن about
في   in at


  • Read and listen 

In Arabic and English a preposition and a noun is not sentence, they make a "phrase"


from the car - on the table - to the park - about the companions - in the house - at the house

and in Arabic

من السيارة - على المنضدة - الى الحديقة - عن الصحابة - في المنزل - في المنزل
Practice: Copy and paste in Google translate to listen. 

2. the ism needs a sign to show it is related to the preposition as well

3. that sign is a vowel on the last letter of ism - kasra

الهدية من محمدٍ
الْهَدِيَّةُ مِنْ مُحَمَّدٍ

Need more examples make a request below in the comment section.

Lesson Two
2. Muhammad's ball is small كرة محمدٍ صغيرة
  • The noun ball is owned by Muhammad
  • when two nouns have this relationship the second noun is in this category
  • and the vowel sign on the last letter is kasra 
Would you like to see lesson two please leave a comment below about the lesson one.

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